I bought this car around 2009 (a month before my daughter’s born). Before that I owned Wira AB (sold already). When I bought this car (Civic EG9 also known as Ferio) it was using 1.6 Efi single cam engine. It’s just a standard car. The owner before me didn’t convert anything accept the rim. The rim was ‘Spoon’ (even it was not ori) but I like it. With the price RM 1X,XXX.00, I owned my first honda. Around July 2010 I got on an accident. At the time it was dark and rainy. I don’t saw the river ahead of me. It’s not a big river just a small one or maybe it’s just a drain but it’s big enough to my car to get in there. I thought we might be dead (with my wife and daughter). After I hit the divider my car was flying and going through into that river. My wife (sleeping at that time) wakes up and hugged my daughter. She hits the dashboard and got a small injury at her mouth. Lucky us there was no water in the river. When we get out the villagers help us. I was dizzy that time and I’m vomiting 3 times. Maybe at that time I hit the steering. I called my parents and the villagers take us to their home. Lucky us becoz we just have the minor injuries. When my parents came they took us to the hospital. After the x-ray and got the medicine we got back and leave behind my car in the river. The day after that I went to towing my car out and get it to the workshop. The damaged was the front light, the bumper, radiator, the front rim (one only) and minor scratch at the body. So I bought ‘nose cut’ and I searched for the 2nd hand ‘Spoon’ rim. Its cost me around 3K to build my car like it used to be. Now I’m still using that car but I’ll had covert the engine with B16A already.
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